Your CRM or service desk is a liability to your customer satisfaction. You don’t believe it, but it’s true and simple: your CRM or service desk is ISOLATED, but service delivery often requires vendors or partners to help address issues (vendor escalation). Those partners have their own systems that are not connected to your system. As a results, you make a lot of phone calls to your partners, and keep many sticker notes around your computer monitor.
Let me give you an example to illustrate this: you use a third pary SaaS (hosted, cloud) service desk to support your customers, one of your customers complains “system logs me out in 5 minutes” and files a ticket in your hosted service desk system. After researching, you realized this is not a limit set within your org, you will have escalate this issue to the SaaS provider by calling them, they will record a ticket in their system, and then you save the information told by the vendor on the sticker note on the monitor as seen in this picture:
The problem with the example above: there is 1 issue, but we have 3 "systems" tracking it: your service desk, your vendor’s service desk, and the third system is the sticker system around the monitor.
This manual escalation is costing organizations in two ways.
● Customer Satisfaction. Manual escalation means delay, inaccuracy, lack of responsibility and ownership of the problem. As we all know, customer satisfaction will ultimately impact your future sales and even determine the fate of an enterprise.
● Cost of manual escalation. One study estimates that a case required vendor escalation costs 20 times of a case that’s resolved by the first call. As a results, nearly half of the resource is consumed to manual vendor escalation.
Nevertheless, an estimated 25% of SaaS application issues require escalation to vendor (the SaaS provider)
A new startup Hubcase is launched to change all this. Hubcase Exchange is effectively the “postal office” for an existing CRM or Service Desk systems to “mail” (escalate) an issue to another system used by a partner organization. Hubcase pioneers also offers free SaaS Service Desk.
Ray Zhu
Founder, Hubcase